Global Professional in Human Resource v6.0 (GPHR)

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Total 204 questions

Which of the following is NOT a basic objective of a total compensation system ?

  • A. Internal and external equity for employees
  • B. All of the above
  • C. Aligns with organization's vision, mission, and short and long-term strategies
  • D. Provides direst compensation that leads the market

Answer : D

Which of the following leadership theories believes that leadership styles should correspond to the maturity of the employees?

  • A. Contingency theories
  • B. Situational theories
  • C. Behavioral theories
  • D. Trait theories

Answer : B

A company has selected a young Operations manager to start a factory operation in
Malaysia over a three-year period. The assignment may extend another couple of years depending on the required transition. Which of the following programs is likely the MOST valuable to this international assignee while on assignment?

  • A. Programs to help manage his career
  • B. Creating vehicles for communication with home country
  • C. Mentoring
  • D. Training

Answer : C

According to the European Union and the International Labor Organization (ILO), which of the following legal instruments is non-binding?

  • A. Conventions
  • B. Decisions
  • C. Regulations
  • D. Directives
  • E. Opinions

Answer : E

A corporation decides to pursue a participative management style in order to make improvements in their operational efficiencies. Which of the following processes is the organization utilizing in order to achieve their strategic goal?

  • A. Continual renewal process
  • B. Total quality management
  • C. Horizontal learning process
  • D. Entrepreneurial process

Answer : D

According to the global performance management process, an organization should be aliging company systems in phases EXCEPT in which of the following stages?

  • A. Specifying each employee’s performance plan
  • B. Defining global business strategy and objectives
  • C. Linking benefits & rewards as well as employee development to the process
  • D. Conducting the appraisal with each employee

Answer : B

Which of the following groups would NOT be considered to be subject matter experts
(SMEs) of a job function?

  • A. Current incumbents
  • B. Direct reports
  • C. Trained job analysts
  • D. D.Supervisours

Answer : B

Lets assume you need to develop a strategic employer branding program. Which of the following is one of the LEAST effective methods in prositive employer branding?

  • A. Providing above-market compensation packages
  • B. Gathering local confidence by socially responsible actions, ie environmentally conscious
  • C. Winning the Malcolm Baldrge National Quality Award
  • D. Implementation of flexible work arrangements that reduce turnover by 10%

Answer : A

Which of the following is NOT a reason to outsource ?

  • A. To share financial risk
  • B. To manage a difficult risk
  • C. To create value
  • D. To gain access to world-class talent

Answer : C

Which of the following describes a framework a framework that links business strategies with day-to-day activities?

  • A. Organizational Values
  • B. Management by Objective (MVO)
  • C. Strategic Plan
  • D. Balanced Scorecard

Answer : D

Which of the following functions does a job description NOT serve?

  • A. Tool during performance appraisals
  • B. Tool for diversity plan
  • C. Tool for selection criteria
  • D. Tool for HR planning

Answer : B

Which of the following defenses is legitimate for a U.S. firm operating in other countries for violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?

  • A. Treaty rights
  • B. Compulsory by foreign law
  • C. Is a non-extraterritorial law
  • D. Sovereignty immunity

Answer : B

A U.S. Based high tech company has built a R&D office in Bangalore, India. Four years have passed since the greenfield operation was successfully built. During this time, the new location has taken on higher priority engineering projects and has trained and developed managerial skills of its newly recruited managers in Banhalore.
Headquarters wants the office to take on a new engineering project that would expand its business in the U.S. By adding a new product line. This project has been identified as the most important objective for the corporation in the mid-term. The project is still in the phase of identifying specifications and developing milestones, where the engineering management team is working closely with the product manager. The management team understands that it must create an international assignment program to have this project run smoothly. The team believes that extended business travel would be the most appropriate program. In order to confirm their belief, the HR manager does extensive research.
The analysis shows that extended business travel will result in $10,000,000 additional revenue in the first year and $5,000,000 additional revenue in the second year due to the customization of the product to customer demand. The cost of the program is $400,000 initial investment plus a variable cost of $100,000 per year. What is the cost-benefit ratio in the first year ?

  • A. 25:1
  • B. 20:1
  • C. 1:20
  • D. 1:25

Answer : B

Which of the following actions is a PRIMARY deterrent against employees organizing to form labor unions?

  • A. Developing an alternative dispute resolution mechanism
  • B. Employer encourages a participative style management
  • C. Creation of work councils
  • D. Creation of codetermination requirements

Answer : A

A company decides to pursue an international assogment program to fill a new position in is new office in Beijing, China. With the assistance of the human professional, the management team has finalized a list of job-specific selection crieria of the ideal candidate for the role.
During the interviewing process, the key selection tool utilized was role-playing. Role- playing was done entirely in Mandarin bases around common business and family situations an expatriate may face. In addition , role-playing was utilized to show how the candidate had successfully protrayedidentified success factors in past behavior. Which of the following selection methods was NOT utilized in this scenario?

  • A. Work sample
  • B. Situational assessments
  • C. Self-assessment
  • D. Interview

Answer : A

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Total 204 questions