Customer Service v6.0 (CSFX)

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Total 165 questions

A weekly time management planning tool is known as a:

  • A. Time grid.
  • B. Day planner.
  • C. Planning schedule grid.
  • D. Weekly planning schedule.

Answer : D

A customer who takes a systematic and detailed approach to his purchase would be classed as an:

  • A. Authoritative type.
  • B. Aware type.
  • C. Assertive type.
  • D. Analytical type.

Answer : D

A person who has the skills to deal effectively in customer facing roles is known as a:

  • A. A service employee.
  • B. Customer service professional.
  • C. A trained salesperson.
  • D. A marketing specialist.

Answer : B

The most common time wasting activity is:

  • A. Personal disorganisation.
  • B. Frequent interruptions.
  • C. Excessive socialising.
  • D. Being indecisive.

Answer : B

When communicating with a customer by writing a letter you should:

  • A. Sign the letter yourself.
  • B. Keep the letter courteous, short and to the point and spell check it.
  • C. Read through the letter before sending.
  • D. All of the above.

Answer : D

When you are busy and you answer the phone, immediately, and politely tell the caller that you are very busy and you will ring them back later, then you are:

  • A. Ignoring a potential customer.
  • B. Using a good time management technique.
  • C. Likely to get in trouble with your boss.
  • D. Letting the caller know how hard you work.

Answer : B

Customer expectations:

  • A. Should always be met.
  • B. Can sometimes not be met.
  • C. Can rarely be met.
  • D. Are never likely to be met.

Answer : B

Which is the correct order of priority when positioning a product in the market place?

  • A. Targeting followed by Positioning followed by Market Segmentation.
  • B. Positioning followed by Market Segmentation followed by Targeting.
  • C. Market Segmentation followed by Targeting followed by Positioning.
  • D. Targeting followed by Market Segmentation followed by Positioning.

Answer : C

When a customer starts to make a complaint and you have listened carefully to what they have to say, your next three steps should be to:

  • A. Acknowledge then apologise and then take responsibility.
  • B. Take responsibility then acknowledge and then say how you will resolve the issue.
  • C. Apologise then resolve the issue and then apologise again.
  • D. Clarify the issue then acknowledge and finally apologise.

Answer : A

It is important for organisations to know that customer expectations:

  • A. Can sometimes not be met.
  • B. Can rarely be met.
  • C. Must be met.
  • D. Are always realistic.

Answer : A

When you are busy and you answer the phone, if you immediately and politely tell the caller that you are very busy and you will ring them back later, then you are:

  • A. Ignoring a potential customer.
  • B. Using a good time management technique.
  • C. Likely to get in trouble with your boss.
  • D. Letting the caller know how hard you work.

Answer : B

Before sending a customer an email you should always:

  • A. Be courteous.
  • B. Read the email before sending.
  • C. Use an appropriate title.
  • D. All of the above.

Answer : D

By definition, continuous improvement means that a business is always looking for:

  • A. Better employees and more customers.
  • B. Small things that can improve the overall customer experience.
  • C. Continually getting better customers into the shop.
  • D. Ways in which the business can save money.

Answer : B

The most cost effective 24/7 way of gathering and storing customer information for an organisations customer database is by:

  • A. Phone communication.
  • B. Face-to-face communication.
  • C. Written communication.
  • D. Internet communication.

Answer : D

A customer who is an Amiable Type would typically be classed:

  • A. An authoritative and informed customer.
  • B. Unlikely to make a purchase.
  • C. Someone who often comes in to chat and not buy.
  • D. Talkative and interested more in opinions than facts.

Answer : D

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Total 165 questions