AS-TFINTCBSCIXM1001-T100 Basic Technical Knowledge v6.0 (TFINTCBSCIXM1001)

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Total 150 questions

The SQL statement to return the number of records in the "Persons" table

  • A. Select COLUMNS(*) from Persons
  • B. Select Count(*) from Persons
  • C. Select Count() from Persons
  • D. Select COLUMNS() from Persons

Answer : B

Grants are a group of privileges that are collected together and granted to users.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

The primary - foreign key relations are used

  • A. For the cross-reference of database tables
  • B. To index the database
  • C. To cleanup the database

Answer : A

To map the key 'ctrl-X' to the 'wq' command:

  • A. :map ^X :wq^M
  • B. :unmap^X
  • C. :map ctrl+X :wq^M
  • D. None of the options are correct

Answer : A

Traditional database management systems are data-driven and relational systems are design-driven.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

In Unix, every user has to have a login id and password.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : A

The output of the command "ls -lrt" is
-rw-rw-r-- 1 finadm finuser 3283 May 8 13:09 showrep
The owner of the file showrep is

  • A. Finadm
  • B. Finuser
  • C. Root
  • D. None of the options are correct

Answer : A

The user cannot change the environment variables once it is set.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

Which of the following is not a shell in Unix

  • A. Bourne shell
  • B. C shell
  • C. D shell
  • D. Korn shell

Answer : C

For vi editor, in Escape mode, the keys are

  • A. Interpreted as commands and echoed at the command line
  • B. Echoed in the edit buffer
  • C. None of the options are correct

Answer : A

An oracle instance consists of memory structure and background processes.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : A

The command "cd .." will take the user

  • A. One directory up the hierarchy
  • B. One directory down
  • C. To the same directory where he was
  • D. None of the options are correct

Answer : A

The statement used for granting and revoking privileges is

  • A. DCL statements
  • B. DML statements
  • C. DDL statements
  • D. All the options are correct

Answer : C

The database support process which takes the copy of redo log files is Log Writer (LGWR).

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

The SQL statement to insert "Olsen" as the "LastName" in the "Persons" table?

  • A. Insert INTO Persons ('Olsen') INTO LastName
  • B. Insert ('Olsen') INTO Persons (LastName)
  • C. Insert INTO Persons (LastName) VALUES ('Olsen')

Answer : C

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Total 150 questions