Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education v1.0 (TCLEOSE)

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Total 641 questions

A person arrested for DWI with an alcohol concentration of ___________ or above is presumed to be intoxicated.

  • A. 0.10 %
  • B. 1.00 %
  • C. 0.08 %
  • D. 0.15 %

Answer : C


A steady yellow light is:

  • A. a warning alerting the driver to proceed cautiously
  • B. a warning to the vehicular traffic that the related green movement is being terminated and that a red light will soon be exhibited
  • C. an indication that the driver must bring the vehicle to a full stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection
  • D. a warning that the driver may not enter the intersection
  • E. none of the above

Answer : B


Which of the following is not a violation of the Uniform Act?

  • A. Failure to drive in a single-lane of traffic
  • B. Failure to allow sufficient space between vehicles for passing when proceeding in a funeral procession
  • C. Illegal right turn-wide right
  • D. Illegal left turn-failure to yield to oncoming traffic
  • E. None of the above

Answer : B


The primary identifiers of an intoxicated suspect when using the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test are:
1) smooth pursuit
2) Nystagmus at maximum deviation, and

  • A. extremely blood shot eyes
  • B. vertical Nystagmus
  • C. Nystagmus prior to 45 degrees
  • D. unable to keep head still

Answer : C


Children ____________ to ____________ years old are required to be secured by safety belts.

  • A. 1-3 or 24 inches
  • B. 2-5 or younger than 4 and at least 36 inches
  • C. 5-17 or younger than 5 and at least 36 inches
  • D. 1-5 or at least 34 inches

Answer : C


A Class ____________license is required to operate a motorcycle.

  • A. C
  • B. G
  • C. A
  • D. M

Answer : D


_____________ years of age is the youngest a person may be issued a citation.

  • A. 12
  • B. 13
  • C. 14
  • D. 18
  • E. There is no age restriction on issuing a citation

Answer : D


Which of the following would not be a characteristic of the operation of a vehicle by an intoxicated driver?

  • A. inconsistent speed (fast or slow)
  • B. driving on the wrong side of the roadway
  • C. stopping at the appropriate place at a stop sign or signal
  • D. either cut the corner or turn wide when turning

Answer : C


Which of the following is not an element of the offense of Driving While Intoxicated?

  • A. the alcohol or other intoxicating substance was administered by a physician for therapeutic reasons
  • B. the person was operating or driving a motor vehicle
  • C. the operation of the vehicle occurred in a public place
  • D. the person was intoxicated

Answer : A


FINAL POSITION is where a vehicle or body comes to rest after a collision.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : A


The six injury codes on the Texas Peace Officers Accident report are K A B C & O.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : A


The duty/(or duties) of a driver upon being involved in a traffic accident is/are:

  • A. stop
  • B. render aid
  • C. identify themselves
  • D. all of the above
  • E. A & B only

Answer : D


At an accident scene, an officer must keep the unqualified from giving first aid.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : A


The first responsibility of an officer at an accident scene is to:

  • A. Care for the injured.
  • B. Determine who was at fault
  • C. Rope off the accident scene
  • D. Issue citations to anyone committing a traffic offense

Answer : A


The investigating officer need only get witness statements to investigate an accident, as there is no need to search for evidence.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B


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Total 641 questions