Redhat Certified Technician on Redhat Enterprise v5.0 (RH202)

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One NIS Domain named is configured in your lab, server is rhce100, rhce200,rhce300 user are created on domain server. Make your system as a member of domain. Make sure that when nis user login in your system home directory should get by them. Home directory is separately shared on server eg
/home/stationx/ where x is you station number.

Answer : 1. Use the authconfig --nisserver=<NIS SERVER> --nisdomain=<NIS DOMAIN> - update authconfig --nisserver= --update or system-config-authentication 2. Click on Enable NIS 4. Type Server then click on next and ok 5. You will get a ok message. 6. vi /etc/auto.master and write at the end of file /home/stationx /etc/auto.home --timeout=60 7. vi /etc/auto.home and write /home/stationx/& please specify your station number in the place of x. 8. Service autofs restart 9. Login as the rhce1 or rhce2 or rhce3 on another terminal will be Success. According to question, domain is already configured. We have to make a client of domain and automatically mount the home directory on every client. To make a member of domain, we use the autheconfig with options or system-configauthentication command. There a are lots of authentication server i.e NIS, LDAB, SMB etc. NIS is a RPC related Services, no need to configure the DNS, we should specify the NIS server address. Here Automount feature is available. When user tried to login, home directory will automatically mount. The automount service reads the configuration from /etc/auto.master file. On /etc/auto.master file we specified the mount point the configuration file for mount point.

There are three Disk Partitions /dev/hda8, /dev/hda9, /dev/hda10 having size 100MB of each partition. Create a Logical Volume named testvolume1 and testvolume2 having a size
250MB. Mount each Logical Volume on lvmtest1, lvmtest2 directory.

Answer : 1. pvcreate /dev/hda8 /dev/hda9 /dev/hda10 pvdisplay command is used to display the information of physical volume. 2. vgceate test0 /dev/hda8 /dev/hda9 /dev/hda10 Physical Disk1 Logical Volume 1 Physical Disk2 Physical Disk3 Physical Volume Volume Group Logical Volume 2 Logical Volume 3 ->vgdisplay command is used to display the information of Volume Group. 3. lvcreate -L 250M -n testvolume1 test0 ->lvdisplay command is used to display the information of Logical Volume. 4. lvcreate -L 250M -n testvolume2 test0 5. mkfs -t ext3 /dev/test0/testvolume1 6. mkfs -t ext3 /dev/test0/testvolume2 7. mkdir /lvtest1 8. mkdir /lvtest2 9. mount /dev/test0/testvolume1 /lvtest1 10. mount /dev/test0/testvolume2 /lvtest2 11. vi /etc/fstab /dev/test0/testvolume2 /lvtest2 ext3 defaults 0 0 /dev/test0/testvolume1 /lvtest1 ext3 defaults 0 0 To create the LVM( Logical Volume Manager) we required the disks having '8e' Linux LVM type. First we should create the physical Volume, then we can create the Volume group from disks belongs to physical Volume. lvcreate command is used to create the logical volume on volume group. We can specify the size of logical volume with -L option and name with -n option.

One Logical Volume named /dev/test0/testvolume1 is created. The initial Size of that disk is
100MB now you required more 200MB. Increase the size of Logical Volume, size should be increase on online.

Answer : 1. lvextend -L+200M /dev/test0/testvolume1 Use lvdisplay /dev/test0/testvolume1) 2. ext2online -d /dev/test0/testvolume1 lvextend command is used the increase the size of Logical Volume. Other command lvresize command also here to resize. And to bring increased size on online we use the ext2online command.

We are working on /data initially the size is 2GB. The /dev/test0/lvtestvolume is mount on
/data. Now you required more space on /data but you already added all disks belong to physical volume. You saw that you have unallocated space around 5 GB on your harddisk.
Increase the size of lvtestvolume by 5GB.

Answer : 1. Create a partition having size 5 GB and change the syste id '8e'. 2. use partprobe command 3. pvcreate /dev/hda9 Suppose your partition number is hda9. 4. vgextend test0 /dev/hda9 vgextend command add the physical disk on volume group. 5. lvextend -L+5120M /dev/test0/lvtestvolume 6. verify using lvdisplay /dev/test0/lvtestvolume.

Install the Redhat Linux RHEL 5 through NFS. Where your Server is having IP and shared /var/ftp/pub. The size of the partitions are listed below:
/ -> 1048
/home -> 1028
/boot -> 512
/var -> 1028
/usr -> 2048

Swap -> 1.5 of RAM Size -
/data configure the RAID Level 0 of remaining all free space.
After completing the installation through NFS solve the following questions. There are two networks and As well as there are two domains on network and on network. Your system is based on domain.

Answer : 1. Insert the CD on CD-ROM and start the system. Prompt type linux askmethod 3. It will display the language, keyboard selection. 4. It will ask you for the installation method. 5. Select the NFS Image from the list 6. It will ask the IP Address, Net mask, Gateway and Name Server. Select Use because DHCP Server will be configured in your exam lab. 7. It will ask for the NFS Server Name and Redhat Enterprise Linux Directory. /var/ftp/pub 8. After Connecting to the NFS Server Installation start in GUI. Go up to the partition screen by selecting the different Options. 9. Create the partition According to the Question because Size and what-what partition should you create at installation time is specified in your question 10. Create the two RAID partitions having equal size of remaining all free space. 11. Click on RAID button 12. Type mount point /data 13. Select RAID Level 0 14. Click on ok 15. Then select the MBR Options, time zone and go upto package selections. It is another Most Important Time of installation. Due to the time limit, you should care about the installation packages. At Exam time you these packages are enough. X-Window System GNOME Desktop (these two packages are generally not required) Administration Tools. System Tools Windows File Server FTP Servers Mail Servers Web Servers Network Servers Editors Text Based Internet Server Configuration Tools Printing Supports When installation will complete, your system will reboot. Jump for another Question.

Fill up the Form through

Answer : 1. Open the Browser and type the above URL. 2. Fill the form as required all information.

One Domain RHCE is configured in your lab, your domain server is nisuser2001, nisuser2002, nisuser2003 user are created on your server Make sure that when NIS user login in your system automatically mount the home directory. Home directory is separately shared on server /rhome/stationx/ where x is your Station number.

Answer : 1. use the authconfig --nisserver=<NIS SERVER> --nisdomain=<NIS DOMAIN> - update authconfig --niserver= --nisdomain=RHCE --update or system- config-authentication 2. Click on Enable NIS RHCE 4. Type Server then click on next and ok 5. You will get a ok message. 6. Create a Directory /rhome/stationx where x is your station number. 6. vi /etc/auto.master and write at the end of file /rhome/stationx /etc/auto.home --timeout=60 7. vi /etc/auto.home and write /rhome/stationx/& please specify your station number in the place of x. 8. Service autofs restart 9. Login as the nisuser2001 or nisuser2002 on another terminal will be Success. According to question, RHCE domain is already configured. We have to make a client of RHCE domain and automatically mount the home directory on your system. To make a member of domain, we use the authconfig with option or system-config authentication command. There a are lots of authentication server i.e NIS, LDAB, SMB etc. NIS is a RPC related Services, no need to configure the DNS, we should specify the NIS server address. Here Automount feature is available. When user tried to login, home directory will automatically mount. The automount service used the /etc/auto.master file. On /etc/auto.master file we specified the mount point the configuration file for mount point.

Create the group named sysadmin.

Answer : 1. groupadd sysadmin groupadd command is used to create the group and all group information is stored in /etc/group file.

Create the user named jane and john.

Answer : 1. useradd jane 2. useradd john useradd command is used to create the user. All user's information stores in /etc/passwd and user;s shadow password stores in /etc/shadow.

Raw printer named printerx where x is your station number is installed and shared on Install the shared printer on your PC to connect shared printer using
IPP Protocols. Your server is

Answer : 1. Open the Browser either firefox or links 631 3. Click on Manage Printer 4. Click on Add Printer 5. Type Queue name like stationx and click on continue i.e Internet printing Protocol 7. Click on Continue // 9. Click on Continue 10. Select RAW Model printer 11. Click on Continue 12. Test by sending the printing job

Make Secondary belongs the both users on sysadmin group.

Answer : 1. usermod -G sysadmin john 2. usermod -G sysadmin jane 3. Verify by reading /etc/group file Using usermod command we can make user belongs to different group. There are two types of group one primary and another is secondary. Primary group can be only one but user can belongs to more than one group as secondary. usermod -g groupname username ->To change the primary group of the user usermod -G groupname username-> To make user belongs to secondary group.

Create the user named eric but eric should not belong to the sysadmin group.

Answer : 1. useradd eric Very tricky question given to you that this user should not belongs to sysadmin group.

Create the directory /data and group owner should be the sysadmin group.

Answer : 1. chgrp sysadmin /data 2. Verify using ls -ld /data command. You should get like 59 /data chgrp command is used to change the group ownership of particular files or directory. Another way you can use the chown command. sysadmin /data

Make on /data that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.

Answer : 1. chmod 770 /data ls -ld /data 08 /data To change the permission on directory we use the chmod command. According to the question that only the owner user (root) and group member (sysadmin) can fully access the chmod 770 /data

Who ever creates the files/directories on /data group owner should be automatically should be the same group owner of /data.

Answer : 1. echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 2. vi /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 If you want to use the Linux System as a Router to make communication between different networks, you need enable the IP forwarding. To enable on running session just set value 1 to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward. As well as automatically turn on the IP forwarding features on next boot set on /etc/sysctl.conf file.

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