Portal Developer v6.0 (LRP-614)

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Total 144 questions

Objects stored in the portlet application scope session are available to:

  • A. Any portlet on the same page
  • B. Any portlet in the same portlet application
  • C. Any portlet within the portal application
  • D. Only the portlet that stored the object in the session

Answer : B

To start Liferay with developer properties:

  • A. Set the porta I.developer, mode property in portal-ext.properties to ''true"
  • B. Include portal-developer.properties during Java startup, or in portal-ext.properties
  • C. Navigate to Server Administration in the Control Panel and set the portal.developer.mode property to "true"
  • D. Copy portal-developer.properties from the portal's classes directory to the Liferay home directory and restart the server

Answer : B

The method to get the value of a custom field for a User object named "user" is:

  • A. ExpandoLocalServiceUtil.getAttribute(user)
  • B. user.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute()
  • C. user.getExpando()
  • D. PortalUtil.getExpando(user)

Answer : B

In portal.properties:
A hook plugin can insert a new class between DefaultLandingPageAction and

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

The descriptor liferay-portlet.xml:

  • A. Defines Liferay-specific portlet features
  • B. Defines the categories of the Add Application menu
  • C. Identifies portlets that only run onLiferay
  • D. All of the above

Answer : A

Not all of the fields in the User object are searchable out of the box. The recommended way to make these fields searchable is to:

  • A. Create a hook plugin that overrides the User service to index the required fields
  • B. Create a hook plugin that overrides the edit user Struts action to index the required fields
  • C. Create an Ext plugin that extends the User indexer to index the required fields
  • D. Create a hook plugin that implements an indexer post processor to index the required fields

Answer : D

Events supported by JSR-286 portlets for interportlet communication are:(Please select all correct answers.)

  • A. Publishing events
  • B. Processing events
  • C. Global events
  • D. Lifecycle events

Answer : A,B

The recommended way to display a web content article in a theme:

  • A. Use the AssetEntry service in portal_normal.vm to get the desired article
  • B. Embed the Web Content Display portlet, passing in the desired article ID to the portlet URL
  • C. Embed the Web Content Display portlet, passing in portlet preferences set to the desired article
  • D. Create a JSP hook that gets the desired article from the JournalArticle service

Answer : C

After removing a customization from an Ext plugin, the recommended way to redeploy in a development environment is to:

  • A. Redeploy the plugin and restart the server
  • B. Undeploy the original plugin and deploy the updated plugin
  • C. Start with a clean instance of the server and deploy all plugins
  • D. Redeploy all plugins and restart the server

Answer : C

The following statements about plugins are true:(Please select all correct answers.)

  • A. All plugins are hot-deployable
  • B. Plugins can be used to modify core portal behavior
  • C. Plugins can be used to modify the layout of a page
  • D. Liferay supports six different types of plugins
  • E. Plugins are the preferred development approach

Answer : B,C,D,E

The"companyId"is a(n):

  • A. Portal instance
  • B. Organization
  • C. Site
  • D. Team

Answer : A

Creating a Struts action hook requires the following elements in liferay-hook.xml:(Please select all correct answers.)

  • A. <struts-hook>
  • B. <struts-action-path >
  • C. <struts-action-impl>
  • D. <override-struts-path>
  • E. <struts-action >

Answer : B,C,E

The Plugins SDK uses:

  • A. portal-service.jar
  • B. JAR files from the user's home directory
  • C. portal-impl.jar
  • D. portal-plugin.jar

Answer : A

The descriptor liferay-hook.xml defines the location to override a core JSP using:

  • A. <url-pattern>
  • B. <custom-jsp-global>
  • C. <custom-jsp-dir>
  • D. <jsp-override>
  • E. <include-and-override>

Answer : C

To map a Service Builder entity to an existing database table in service.xml the entity name must match the database table name.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

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