HAAD Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses v6.0 (HAAD-RN)

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Total 150 questions

A patient requires tracheal suctioning through the nose. Which of the following nursing action would be incorrect?

  • A. Lubricating the catheter with sterile water
  • B. Applying suction while withdrawing the catheter from the nose
  • C. Applying suction for a minimum of 30 seconds
  • D. Rotating the catheter while withdrawing it

Answer : C

Pain management for terminally ill patients is most effective when analgesics are given:

  • A. Around the clock
  • B. Only when clearly needed
  • C. After non-pharmacological methods fail
  • D. As the patient requests them

Answer : A

A patient is admitted to a hospital with acute renal failure. The patient wakes up complaining of abdominal pain. On assessment, the nurse observes edema to the patient's ankles and distended neck veins. The patient is dyspneic with a blood pressure of 200/96 mmHg. The proper nursing diagnosis for this patient is:

  • A. Deficient fluid volume related to disease process
  • B. Excess fluid volume related to decreased glomerular filtration rate
  • C. Knowledge deficit related to proper medication regimen
  • D. Acute pain related to renal edema

Answer : B

The nurse knows that the greatest risk for a patient with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is:

  • A. Hemorrhage leading to hypovolemic shock
  • B. Strictures and scarring of the fallopian tube
  • C. Adhesions and scarring from blood in the abdomen
  • D. Infertility resulting from treatment with a salpingectomy

Answer : A

A trauma patient with open wounds arrives in the emergency department. The nurse would know that a tetanus injection is needed if the patient has:

  • A. Only received 3 doses of tetanus toxoid
  • B. Received less than 3 doses of tetanus toxoid
  • C. Not had a dose of tetanus toxoid in the past 4 years
  • D. Not had a dose of tetanus toxoid in the past 10 years

Answer : D

A 3-month-old infant is admitted with a diagnosis of ventricular septal defect. The physical assessment for this infant would reveal:

  • A. High pitched cry
  • B. Harsh heart murmur
  • C. Bradycardia
  • D. Hypertension

Answer : B

The administration of which of the following types of parenteral fluids would result in a lowering of the osmotic pressure and cause the fluid to move into the cells?

  • A. Hypotonic
  • B. Isotonic
  • C. Hypertonic
  • D. Colloid

Answer : A

Nursing management of the patient with external otitis includes:

  • A. Irrigating the ear canal with warm saline several hours after instilling lubricating ear drops
  • B. Inserting an ear wick into the external canal before instilling the ear drops to disperse the medication
  • C. Teaching the patient how to instill antibiotic drops into the ear canal before swimming
  • D. Instilling ear drops without the dropper touching the auricle and positioning the ear upward for 2 minutes afterwards

Answer : D

The correct way to trim the toe nails of a patient with diabetes is to:

  • A. Cut the nails in a curve and then file
  • B. Cut the nails straight across and then file
  • C. File the nails straight across and square only
  • D. File the nails in a curved arch with low sides only

Answer : C

Salem has Alzheimers disease. He is agitated and repeatedly asks to go home. The most appropriate nursing intervention for him is to:

  • A. Isolate him in a single room
  • B. Find activities to keep him occupied
  • C. Ask the physician to discharge him
  • D. Administer a minor tranquillizer

Answer : B

During the initial pain assessment process, the nurse should:

  • A. Perform pain relief measures
  • B. Teach the patient about pain therapies
  • C. Conduct a comprehensive pain assessment
  • D. Provide appropriate treatment and evaluate its effect

Answer : C

The immediate treatment for ventricular fibrillation is:

  • A. Precordial blow
  • B. Defibrillation
  • C. Bolus of lidocaine
  • D. Ventricular pacing

Answer : B

The purpose of a cardiac pacemaker is to:

  • A. Initiate and maintain the heart rate when SA node is unable to do so
  • B. Stabilize the heart rate when it is above 100 beats per minute
  • C. Stabilize the heart when the patient has had a heart attack
  • D. Regulate the heart when the patient is going for open heart surgery

Answer : A

When taking care of a patient who has undergone open reduction and internal fixation of a fractured left tibia, the nurse should keep the leg:

  • A. Straight to reduce flexion deformities
  • B. Immobilized to enhance bone healing
  • C. Adducted to attain alignment
  • D. Elevated to minimize venous stasis

Answer : D

A nurse prepares to set up a secondary intravenous (IV) cannula. The primary IV infusing is normal saline. In order for the secondary cannula to infuse correctly, the nurse should set up the primary IV to:

  • A. Hang higher than the secondary IV
  • B. Hang at the same level as the secondary IV
  • C. Hang lower than the secondary IV
  • D. Discontinue before the secondary IV starts

Answer : C

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Total 150 questions