GED Science Exam v6.0 (GED-Science)

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Using new, advanced methods of biotechnology, scientists can produce copies of genes of one species and insert them into the chromosomes of another species. The resulting transgenic plants offer potential advantages that are unobtainable through conventional methods.
A gene that is active against corn borers is inserted into corn plants.
When the plants reach maturity, which of the following outcomes might be expected?

  • A. The plants will resist corn borers.
  • B. The bacteria will infect the plants.
  • C. The corn plants will be taller.
  • D. The plants will wither and die.
  • E. The corn will have a better flavor.

Answer : A

Scientists who study the inheritance of characteristics from one generation to the next have used organisms such as peas, fruit flies, mold, and mice. These organisms were chosen because they all share some common features, such as being small, producing many offspring, and maturing rather quickly.
Which of the following organisms would be the BEST choice for a controlled study of inheritance from generation to generation?

  • A. elephants
  • B. corn
  • C. deer
  • D. elm trees
  • E. whales

Answer : B

Getting rid of solid waste is a major problem in many cities. Open spaces for landfills are becoming scarce. Burning solid waste may produce harmful gases as well as particles in the surrounding air. Recycling is useful, but effective techniques for recycling some materials have yet to be developed. Marine disposal may damage the delicate ecosystems in this fragile environment.
Which of the following solid waste disposal techniques would MOST LIKELY result in air pollution?

  • A. recycling
  • B. landfills
  • C. marine disposal
  • D. landscaping
  • E. burning

Answer : E

Windchill is the rate of heat loss on the human body resulting from the combined effects of low temperature and wind. As wind speeds increase, heat is carried away from the body at a faster rate, thus lowering both the skin temperature and, ultimately, the internal body temperature. Many other factors can affect the impact of windchill, such as type of clothing worn, the amount of flesh exposed, and an individual's physical condition.
Based on the information provided, which of these practices would BEST protect a person from the damaging effects of windchill on a severe day?

  • A. Dressing as one would at any other time of the year.
  • B. Staying close to other people when outdoors.
  • C. Staying outdoors as much as possible to get used to the windchill.
  • D. Going indoors occasionally to warm up.
  • E. Covering all parts of the body with warm, waterproof, and insulated clothing.

Answer : E

The nightshade family of plants includes more than 2000 species of herbs, shrubs, and small trees. Plants with edible parts include the potato, tomato, eggplant, and red pepper.
Some nightshade members such as jimsonweed and belladonna contain poisonous substances. Tobacco and petunias are also in the nightshade family.
Which of the following most accurately describes the entire group of plants in the nightshade family?

  • A. poisonous plants
  • B. edible plants
  • C. no economically important species
  • D. no agriculturally important plants
  • E. a large variety of species

Answer : E

Detergents, which are often kept in low places where their brightly colored containers can attract young children, account for more poisonings in the home than any other product.
Part of the problem is that consumers do not recognize the difference between synthetic detergents, which are poisonous, and ordinary soaps, which are not.
The passage above would most likely come from a book that has which of the following titles?

  • A. A Guide to Household Pollutants
  • B. Decorating Tips for Your Home
  • C. Mechanics for the Home Hobbyist
  • D. Chemistry: The Study of Matter
  • E. Radon: How to Rid Your Home of the Danger

Answer : A

After a hard rainfall, some of the falling water runs off into streams and is carried away.
Some water moves down into Earths soil and is used by plants.
The remaining water goes back into Earths atmosphere as a result of which process?

  • A. erosion
  • B. evaporation
  • C. condensation
  • D. filtration
  • E. precipitation

Answer : B

Earths system is observed by noting changes and interactions of the oceans, land, the atmosphere, and organisms. Some of these changes and interactions happen daily, while others take place over long periods of time.
Which of the following changes and interactions happen on a daily basis?

  • A. The ocean tides change.
  • B. Mountain peaks are formed.
  • C. The atmosphere gains more oxygen and loses nitrogen.
  • D. Organisms develop new observable characteristics.
  • E. Volcanoes erupt.

Answer : A

Which of the following statements would explain why some objects feel more solid to the touch than others?

  • A. The object’s molecules are moving rapidly.
  • B. All solids can be classified only as metals.
  • C. The object’s surface is flat.
  • D. The space is very small between the molecules.
  • E. The object is made up of heavy molecules.

Answer : D

The microorganisms that cause food to spoil grow best at room temperature and in the presence of water.
Which of the following actions BEST helps prevent food spoilage?

  • A. exposing the food to air
  • B. keeping the food at room temperature
  • C. adding water to the food
  • D. freezing the food
  • E. covering the food while warm

Answer : D

Although every living plant or animal differs now from its early ancestors, each still shares some characteristics with its early family members.
In which set do the animals likely share common ancestors?

  • A. cat, lion, raccoon
  • B. cow, sheep, goat
  • C. dog, wolf, coyote
  • D. horse, zebra, giraffe
  • E. whale, trout, dolphin

Answer : C

Some work is converted into heat whenever there is friction. For example, when you rub your hands together, they feel warm because of the friction. The same effect occurs when an automobile axle spins on ball bearingsthe axle and bearings get hot.
A mechanic says that the heat produced will be decreased if grease is deposited between the bearings and the axle.
Which of the following statements would provide the strongest support for the mechanics claim?

  • A. Grease decreases the speed of the axle.
  • B. Grease increases friction.
  • C. Grease is hot and adds heat.
  • D. Grease makes the bearings stick to the axle.
  • E. Grease decreases friction.

Answer : E

Density is the relationship of the mass of an object to its volume. A formula that describes density isdensity = mass/volumewhere mass is the quantity of matter present and volume measures how much space the matter occupies.
Suppose that a tanker truck overturns, causing hazardous vapors to leak from the tank. As the vapors leak out, they appear to fall to the ground and then travel along the ground.
Which conclusion about density may be correctly drawn from this information?

  • A. The weight of the hazardous vapor is greater than that of the truck.
  • B. A safe place to go would be the nearest basement.
  • C. The density of the hazardous vapor is greater than that of water.
  • D. Spraying the tank truck with water would be the safest thing to do.
  • E. The density of the hazardous vapor is greater than that of air.

Answer : E

All types of plant life anchor the soil and absorb much water and, thus, may lessen the effects of flooding at certain times of the year.
Which of the following would reduce flooding conditions?

  • A. a large amount of rainfall in a short period of time
  • B. the accumulation of snow during the winter
  • C. planting more trees upstream
  • D. building parking lots on farm land
  • E. the construction of more bridges

Answer : C

On a sunny day, a magnifying glass can concentrate sunlight to the point where the light can cause paper to burn.
Which of the following materials would be the best substitute for a magnifying glass?

  • A. a piece of window glass held up to the Sun
  • B. several mirrors, each reflecting light to the same spot
  • C. a piece of waxed paper covering a dark circle
  • D. several pieces of white plastic arranged in a circle
  • E. a bright flashlight shining at a 45-degree angle to the paper

Answer : B

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