GED Reasoning Through Language Arts v6.0 (GED-Reading)

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In lines 2025 Ichabod appears very anxious about his appearance. Who is he trying to impress?

  • A. his students
  • B. his employer
  • C. his friends
  • D. his students’ parents
  • E. his lady friend

Answer : E

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Ichabod wanted to appear "in the true style of a cavalier" (lines 2728) and "rode out, like a knight-errant" (line 32). What do these details indicate about how Ichabod wants to appear?

  • A. romantic hero
  • B. strict schoolmaster
  • C. good friend
  • D. excellent farmer
  • E. smart negotiator

Answer : A

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Later in the story, Ichabod is humiliated by another young man who scares Ichabod away by pretending to be a headless horseman.
Based on Ichabods character as revealed in the excerpt, what probably causes him to run away even when he realizes that the headless horseman isnt a real ghost?

  • A. fear
  • B. embarrassment
  • C. irresponsibility
  • D. humility
  • E. ignorance

Answer : B

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How might an individual who believes in "straight" criticism best be characterized?

  • A. understands that feelings are important
  • B. believes that others may find it hard to accept suggestions
  • C. admires those who offer indirect recommendations
  • D. believes that the most direct approach is always the best
  • E. refuses to discuss alternatives or other solutions

Answer : D

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On the basis of the passage, how would the author characterize the manner in which male and female editors offer criticism?

  • A. There is basically no difference between them.
  • B. Females are more likely to give direct criticism.
  • C. Males would be less likely to be tentative.
  • D. Male and female editors frequently offer snappy responses.
  • E. Most editors, regardless of gender, do not give criticism.

Answer : C

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Why does the editor (line 27) of a newspaper hedge about the changes in an opinion essay the author has written?

  • A. The editor is basically dishonest.
  • B. The editor lacks confidence.
  • C. The editor has few suggestions about improving the essay.
  • D. The editor believes in softening her criticism.
  • E. The editor finds it difficult to express her disapproval of the essay.

Answer : D

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On the basis of the passage, if the author were editing someone elses work, what strategy of criticism would she use?

  • A. She would try to give her criticism gently but clearly.
  • B. She would use only harsh, straight-forward criticism and get to the point immediately.
  • C. She would avoid offering any critical comments no matter how she appraised the writers work.
  • D. She would inform the writer that unless she/he changed the work completely she would not be interested in it.
  • E. She would carefully rewrite the work herself so as not to offend the writer.

Answer : A

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In her book THE ARGUMENT OFCULTURE, the author claims that "the modern culture is far too criticalmany prefer to shout down . . . the opposition points of view rather than listen to them."
Based on the information above and the information in the passage, which of the following best summarizes the authors view about criticism?

  • A. Criticism is usually easy to accept.
  • B. Criticism needs to be presented carefully.
  • C. Criticism is far too often ignored by the recipient.
  • D. Criticism is always harsh and damaging.
  • E. Criticism changes over time.

Answer : B

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When Amanda says, "I can see the handwriting on the wall . . . Its terrifying!" (lines 1618), what does she mean?

  • A. She knows Tom wants to leave her and Laura.
  • B. The writing on the apartment walls is threatening.
  • C. She fears for Tom’s safety.
  • D. Laura has told her she wants to get married.
  • E. She has supernatural power to predict the future.

Answer : A

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When Amanda tells Tom he can help his sister if he would "Overcome selfishness!" (line
53), to what selfishness is she referring?

  • A. desire to get to work
  • B. need to wear a muffler
  • C. job at the warehouse
  • D. preference for Laura over her
  • E. plans to leave home and travel

Answer : E

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Which of the following best represents Amandas belief concerning young women?

  • A. They should have a career.
  • B. They need to fight for independence.
  • C. They should have hobbies.
  • D. Their security lies in marriage.
  • E. Their shyness is appealing.

Answer : D

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Based on the last part of this scene, which one of the following is the most likely reason
Tom gives in to Amandas request?

  • A. He agrees that Amanda’s request is Laura’s last chance.
  • B. He remembers a person at his work who might be a good match for Laura.
  • C. He cannot cope any other way with his mother’s nagging.
  • D. He wants to get Laura away from her glass animals.
  • E. He wants to prove to his mother that her plan is foolish.

Answer : C

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Amanda is presented as a complex character. What conflicting desires for her children are evident in this passage?

  • A. move out of the house but live nearby
  • B. follow her advice but have lives of their own
  • C. love each other but love her more
  • D. respect their father but feel no love for him
  • E. have both fulfilling careers and large families

Answer : B

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What is Lauras principal character trait as revealed in this dialogue?

  • A. trustfulness
  • B. unselfishness
  • C. independence
  • D. shyness
  • E. pessimism

Answer : D

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Based on the qualities of Laura as seen in this excerpt, which of the following jobs would she be most likely to enjoy?

  • A. police officer
  • B. salesperson
  • C. actress
  • D. high school art teacher
  • E. researcher-writer

Answer : E

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