Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures V8 v5.1 (EC0-350)

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In the context of password security: a simple dictionary attack involves loading a dictionary file (a text file full of dictionary words) into a cracking application such as L0phtCrack or
John the Ripper, and running it against user accounts located by the application. The larger the word and word fragment selection, the more effective the dictionary attack is. The brute force method is the most inclusive - though slow. Usually, it tries every possible letter and number combination in its automated exploration. If you would use both brute force and dictionary combined together to have variations of words, what would you call such an attack?

  • A. Full Blown Attack
  • B. Thorough Attack
  • C. Hybrid Attack
  • D. BruteDict Attack

Answer : C

TCP SYN Flood attack uses the three-way handshake mechanism.
1. An attacker at system A sends a SYN packet to victim at system B.
2. System B sends a SYN/ACK packet to victim A.
3. As a normal three-way handshake mechanism system A should send an ACK packet to system B, however, system A does not send an ACK packet to system B. In this case client
B is waiting for an ACK packet from client A.
This status of client B is called _________________

  • A. "half-closed"
  • B. "half open"
  • C. "full-open"
  • D. "xmas-open"

Answer : B

Annie has just succeeded in stealing a secure cookie via a XSS attack. She is able to replay the cookie even while the session is invalid on the server. Why do you think this is possible?

  • A. It works because encryption is performed at the application layer (single encryption key)
  • B. The scenario is invalid as a secure cookie cannot be replayed
  • C. It works because encryption is performed at the network layer (layer 1 encryption)
  • D. Any cookie can be replayed irrespective of the session status

Answer : A

What file system vulnerability does the following command take advantage of? type c:\anyfile.exe > c:\winnt\system32\calc.exe:anyfile.exe

  • A. HFS
  • B. Backdoor access
  • C. XFS
  • D. ADS

Answer : D

How many bits encryption does SHA-1 use?

  • A. 64 bits
  • B. 128 bits
  • C. 256 bits
  • D. 160 bits

Answer : D

Stephanie works as a records clerk in a large office building in downtown Chicago. On
Monday, she went to a mandatory security awareness class (Security5) put on by her company's IT department. During the class, the IT department informed all employees that everyone's Internet activity was thenceforth going to be monitored.
Stephanie is worried that her Internet activity might give her supervisor reason to write her up, or worse get her fired. Stephanie's daily work duties only consume about four hours of her time, so she usually spends the rest of the day surfing the web. Stephanie really enjoys surfing the Internet but definitely does not want to get fired for it.
What should Stephanie use so that she does not get in trouble for surfing the Internet?

  • A. Stealth IE
  • B. Stealth Anonymizer
  • C. Stealth Firefox
  • D. Cookie Disabler

Answer : B

How would you describe an attack where an attacker attempts to deliver the payload over multiple packets over long periods of time with the purpose of defeating simple pattern matching in IDS systems without session reconstruction? A characteristic of this attack would be a continuous stream of small packets.

  • A. Session Hijacking
  • B. Session Stealing
  • C. Session Splicing
  • D. Session Fragmentation

Answer : C

What is War Dialing?

  • A. War dialing involves the use of a program in conjunction with a modem to penetrate the modem/PBX-based systems
  • B. War dialing is a vulnerability scanning technique that penetrates Firewalls
  • C. It is a social engineering technique that uses Phone calls to trick victims
  • D. Involves IDS Scanning Fragments to bypass Internet filters and stateful Firewalls

Answer : A

In Trojan terminology, what is required to create the executable file chess.exe as shown below?

  • A. Mixer
  • B. Converter
  • C. Wrapper
  • D. Zipper

Answer : C

This attack uses social engineering techniques to trick users into accessing a fake Web site and divulging personal information. Attackers send a legitimate-looking e-mail asking users to update their information on the company's Web site, but the URLs in the e-mail actually point to a false Web site.

  • A. Wiresharp attack
  • B. Switch and bait attack
  • C. Phishing attack
  • D. Man-in-the-Middle attack

Answer : C

What are the limitations of Vulnerability scanners? (Select 2 answers)

  • A. There are often better at detecting well-known vulnerabilities than more esoteric ones
  • B. The scanning speed of their scanners are extremely high
  • C. It is impossible for any, one scanning product to incorporate all known vulnerabilities in a timely manner
  • D. The more vulnerabilities detected, the more tests required
  • E. They are highly expensive and require per host scan license

Answer : A,C

An attacker has successfully compromised a remote computer. Which of the following comes as one of the last steps that should be taken to ensure that the compromise cannot be traced back to the source of the problem?

  • A. Install patches
  • B. Setup a backdoor
  • C. Install a zombie for DDOS
  • D. Cover your tracks

Answer : D

Samuel is the network administrator of DataX Communications, Inc. He is trying to configure his firewall to block password brute force attempts on his network. He enables blocking the intruder's IP address for a period of 24 hours' time after more than three unsuccessful attempts. He is confident that this rule will secure his network from hackers on the Internet.
But he still receives hundreds of thousands brute-force attempts generated from various IP addresses around the world. After some investigation he realizes that the intruders are using a proxy somewhere else on the Internet which has been scripted to enable the random usage of various proxies on each request so as not to get caught by the firewall rule.
Later he adds another rule to his firewall and enables small sleep on the password attempt so that if the password is incorrect, it would take 45 seconds to return to the user to begin another attempt. Since an intruder may use multiple machines to brute force the password, he also throttles the number of connections that will be prepared to accept from a particular
IP address. This action will slow the intruder's attempts.
Samuel wants to completely block hackers brute force attempts on his network.
What are the alternatives to defending against possible brute-force password attacks on his site?

  • A. Enforce a password policy and use account lockouts after three wrong logon attempts even though this might lock out legit users
  • B. Enable the IDS to monitor the intrusion attempts and alert you by e-mail about the IP address of the intruder so that you can block them at the Firewall manually
  • C. Enforce complex password policy on your network so that passwords are more difficult to brute force
  • D. You cannot completely block the intruders attempt if they constantly switch proxies

Answer : D

You are the security administrator of Jaco Banking Systems located in Boston. You are setting up e-banking website ( authentication system. Instead of issuing banking customer with a single password, you give them a printed list of 100 unique passwords. Each time the customer needs to log into the e-banking system website, the customer enters the next password on the list. If someone sees them type the password using shoulder surfing, MiTM or keyloggers, then no damage is done because the password will not be accepted a second time. Once the list of 100 passwords is almost finished, the system automatically sends out a new password list by encrypted e-mail to the customer.
You are confident that this security implementation will protect the customer from password abuse.
Two months later, a group of hackers called "HackJihad" found a way to access the one- time password list issued to customers of Jaco Banking Systems. The hackers set up a fake website ( and used phishing attacks to direct ignorant customers to it. The fake website asked users for their e-banking username and password, and the next unused entry from their one-time password sheet. The hackers collected 200 customer's username/passwords this way. They transferred money from the customer's bank account to various offshore accounts.
Your decision of password policy implementation has cost the bank with USD 925, 000 to hackers. You immediately shut down the e-banking website while figuring out the next best security solution
What effective security solution will you recommend in this case?

  • A. Implement Biometrics based password authentication system. Record the customers face image to the authentication database
  • B. Configure your firewall to block logon attempts of more than three wrong tries
  • C. Enable a complex password policy of 20 characters and ask the user to change the password immediately after they logon and do not store password histories
  • D. Implement RSA SecureID based authentication system

Answer : D

How does traceroute map the route a packet travels from point A to point B?

  • A. Uses a TCP timestamp packet that will elicit a time exceeded in transit message
  • B. Manipulates the value of the time to live (TTL) within packet to elicit a time exceeded in transit message
  • C. Uses a protocol that will be rejected by gateways on its way to the destination
  • D. Manipulates the flags within packets to force gateways into generating error messages

Answer : B

Traceroute works by increasing the "time-to-live" value of each successive batch of packets sent. The first three packets have a time-to-live (TTL) value of one (implying that they make a single hop). The next three packets have a TTL value of 2, and so on. When a packet passes through a host, normally the host decrements the TTL value by one, and forwards the packet to the next host. When a packet with a TTL of one reaches a host, the host discards the packet and sends an ICMP time exceeded (type 11) packet to the sender. The traceroute utility uses these returning packets to produce a list of hosts that the packets have traversed en route to the destination.

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