EMC Content Management Server Programming(CMSP) v5.0 (E20-405)

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Total 229 questions

Which statement is true about the object model?

  • A. dmr_content is not a sub-type of dm_sysobject although sysobject contents are stored asdmr_content objects.
  • B. dm_acl objects are stored in the System cabinet.
  • C. Not all sysobjects can have associated permissions.
  • D. Virtual documents are objects of type dm_relation that describe a parent/child relationshipbetween objects.

Answer : A

Which statement is true about the DFC tracing model?

  • A. DFC tracing is only for Java code.
  • B. DFC tracing is only for business objects.
  • C. DFC tracing logs method call information.
  • D. DFC tracing can only be controlled by application source code.

Answer : C

Which statement is true?

  • A. IDfSession.getLoginTicket() will return a ticket from the current session.
  • B. IDfSession.getLoginTicket() will return a new session object for the current user.
  • C. IDfSession.getLoginTicket() will return a new session object for the super user.
  • D. IDfSession.getLoginTicket() will return a ticket from a new session.

Answer : A

What should a single business object JAR contain?

  • A. only interface OR implementation classes
  • B. only interface AND implementation classes
  • C. interface classes, implementation classes and any resources file needed
  • D. a single manifest file that contains references to any relevant dmc_jar objects

Answer : A

What does the dfc.config.timeout entry in dfc.properties indicate?

  • A. polling interval for changes in dfc.properties
  • B. sleep interval for the DFC cleanup thread
  • C. timeout for sessions in the DFC session pool
  • D. polling interval for changes in log4j.properties

Answer : A

When querying the dm_queue view to read a user's active workflow tasks, what information is contained in the router_id field?

  • A. current Activities
  • B. current Workitems
  • C. current Workflow Instances
  • D. current Workflow Templates

Answer : C

Which statement is true about query types?

  • A. DF_CACHE_QUERY is used for long query strings and stores results in a query cachefile.
  • B. DF_EXEC_QUERY is used for long query strings that will not affect any repository dataduring processing.
  • C. DF_QUERY can be used for any DQL Query and generally used for any query that willaffect the repository.
  • D. DF_EXECREAD_QUERY is used for long query strings that will affect any repositorydata during processing.

Answer : C

You have a repository with several million documents. The repository uses public ACLs to assign security for each division in an organization. What is the most efficient way to give read access to USER A for a batch of 100,000 documents while maintaining existing security on individual documents?

  • A. execute update dql to add USER A to each document
  • B. grant USER A READ permissions using IDfSysObject.grant()
  • C. add USER A to r_accessor_name for each acl that is referenced in the batch ofdocuments
  • D. create a new acl that gives USER A read permit and assign that acl to the batch ofdocuments

Answer : C

What is the default behavior when you add a directory from the file system to an import operation?

  • A. The directory will be imported by itself.
  • B. The directory and all documents it contains will be importeD.
  • C. The directory and all files and subdirectories will be importeD.
  • D. It will result in an error.

Answer : C

What does the following code do?

  • A. removes all versions of an object
  • B. removes only the current version regardless of the version selected
  • C. removes the exact object relating to the given object ID
  • D. It does nothing as sysObj.save() has not been called.

Answer : C

Given the following code:
IMyService1.createFolder() and IMyService2.createDocuments() perform steps that can be aborted if in a transaction. Which statement is true?

  • A. When createDocuments()method throws an exception, both createFolder() andcreateDocuments() methods are aborted.
  • B. When createDocuments() method throws an exception, only createDocuments() method isaborted.
  • C. When createDocuments() method throws an exception,sessionManager.abortTransaction()throws a DfException set to DM_DFC_E_INVALID_OPER_ON_MANAGED_SESSION.
  • D. SBOs do not participate in transactions.

Answer : A

The best practice for ensuring that a session is released when using the
IDfSessionManager is placing the IDfSessionManager.release() _____.

  • A. immediately after a set of DFC operations
  • B. as the very last operation of a class, ensuring it will only ever be called once
  • C. statement in a finally block
  • D. in a helper class that is based on the singleton pattern

Answer : C

User "docuser" has READ permission in an ACL. Which method from the IDfACL interface must be used to revoke the permission to "docuser"?

  • A. revoke("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_READ)
  • B. grant("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_NONE, null)
  • C. revokePermit("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_READ)
  • D. removePermit("docuser", IDfACL.DF_PERMIT_READ)

Answer : B

What information can be output to a DFC trace?

  • A. password used to connect to the repository
  • B. SQL statements being sent to the RDBMS
  • C. file system accesses from the DFC application
  • D. DFC calls, their parameters, and return values

Answer : D

To which cabinets would an item be linked after the following code is executed?

  • A. Cab2 and Cab3
  • B. only Cab1 and Cab4
  • C. only Cab3 and Cab4
  • D. Cab1, Cab3 and Cab4

Answer : B

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