Certified Associate Business Analyst v6.0 (CABA)

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Total 343 questions

What management style is characterized by leadership in a condescending form of master- servant trust, where motivation is mainly by rewards and where managerial personnel feel responsibility but lower levels do not?

  • A. Participative - Group System
  • B. Benevolent - Authoritarian
  • C. Exploitive - Authoritarian
  • D. Consultative System
  • E. None of the above

Answer : B

Which of the following are major characteristics of Quality Management?

  • A. Manage with Facts
  • B. Continuous Improvement
  • C. Manage by Process
  • D. Focus on the Customer
  • E. All of the above

Answer : E

A Business Analyst needs to have good communication and interpersonal skills.
Example(s) of communication and interpersonal skills include:

  • A. Listening
  • B. Interviewing
  • C. Testing
  • D. Only A and B
  • E. A,B, and C

Answer : D

When a person does not know some of their own qualities but others are aware of those qualities, this can be mapped to ________ in the Johari Window.

  • A. Façade
  • B. Blind Area
  • C. Hidden Area
  • D. Open Area
  • E. None of the above

Answer : B

A fifth element was added to the "Forming Storming Norming Performing" model. What is the fifth stage is called:

  • A. Elaborating
  • B. Adjourning
  • C. Viewing
  • D. All the above
  • E. None of the above

Answer : B

There is a high dependence on the leader for guidance and direction, little agreement on team objectives, and individual roles and responsibilities are unclear. This situation is part of the ________________ Stage of the Tuckman Model.

  • A. Performing
  • B. Norming
  • C. Storming
  • D. Forming

Answer : D

Which stage in Tuckman's Model depicts the following scenario, "There is a high degree of dependence on the designated leader for guidance and direction."

  • A. Forming
  • B. Norming
  • C. Performing
  • D. Staging

Answer : A

Which of the following statements is NOT true for the Team Building Process?

  • A. The team is involved the in developing the Strategic Plan
  • B. Have each team member get input for the plan from his or her staff
  • C. Have team members develop more detailed plans with their staffs to implement their assigned areas
  • D. A and B
  • E. None of the above

Answer : E

A wide variety of activities which contribute nothing to the accomplishment of the objectives are termed as _________ by the management theorists.

  • A. Sound
  • B. Noise
  • C. Overrun
  • D. None of the above

Answer : B

You are the Business Analyst for a safety critical application. You have collected large amounts of data from various sources and need to provide input to make the product a success. You have been approached by a competitor to join them as they intend to develop a similar product. What must you do?

  • A. Reject the offer – as it will be a conflict of interest
  • B. Join the competitor and use the knowledge you have acquired
  • C. You can participate in giving expert comments
  • D. None of the above

Answer : A

Given the following sets of leaders (a-e), and their concepts (1-5), which one of the following best pairs the two sets?
1 - The Hierarchy of Needs
2 - Scientific Management
3 - The Hawthorne Effect
4 - Benevolent-authoritarian
5 - Quality Revolution
a Elton Mayo
b Abraham Maslow
c Rensis Likert
d Frederick Taylor
e Deming

  • A. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5e
  • B. 3a, 1b, 2d, 4c, 5e
  • C. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d, 5e
  • D. 4a, 1d, 2e, 3c, 5b

Answer : B

Which of the following is NOT a part of Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory?

  • A. Physiological Need
  • B. Self-Actualization
  • C. Self-Esteem
  • D. Security
  • E. None of the above

Answer : E

The following are the major characteristics of Quality Management, EXCEPT:

  • A. Continuous Improvement
  • B. Lack of Customer Focus
  • C. Manage Toward Results
  • D. Manage with Facts

Answer : B

Which of the following is the best example of 'Manage by Fact'?

  • A. Meeting the desired results
  • B. Managing to meet the customer requirements
  • C. Identify goals for desired business results
  • D. Using metrics data for performing appraisals

Answer : A

Which of the following is NOT part of Kaplan and Norton Strategic Perspectives?

  • A. Human Resource Perspective
  • B. Learning and Growth Perspective
  • C. Business Process Perspective
  • D. Customer Perspective

Answer : A

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Total 343 questions