Blue Coat Certified Proxy Administrator v8.0 (BCCPA)

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Total 242 questions

What happens, if there are multiple listeners to the same TCP port, and destination IP address belongs to multiple IP address ranges?

  • A. Such configuration is Inherently ambiguous and wrong
  • B. Such cases cause built-in exceptions to be thrown during policy processing
  • C. The most specific IP address range is always used

Answer : A

What can be concluded about this request processing order?

  • A. ProxyAV Is accessed in ICAP REQMOD mode
  • B. ProxyAV is accessed ICAP RESPMOO mode
  • C. ProxySG with ProxyAV is deployed as a forward proxy

Answer : A

When the DRTR successfully categorizes a site, the site is_________ (Choose all that apply)
(a)Addedto the static BCWF database on the ProxySG
(b)Addedto the local database on the ProxySG
(c)Addedto the DRTR database on the ProxySG
(d)Addedto a DRTR cache that resides on the ProxySG

  • A. a & b only
  • B. b & c only
  • C. d only
  • D. None of the above

Answer : A


Blue coat Director functions include the following (Choose all that apply)
(a) Provide centralized initial setup and policy management
(b) Configure secure gateway and WAN acceleration
(c) Monitor hardware and software metrics and events on ProxySG appliances
(d) Enable proxying and filtering of multicast UDP traffic

  • A. a, b & c only
  • B. a, b & d only
  • C. a, c & d only
  • D. b,c & d only

Answer : A


What are requirements for client's browser for notification and coaching pages to work properly?

  • A. Pop-up windows should not be blocked
  • B. JavaScript has to be enabled
  • C. Cookies have to be enabled
  • D. Both JavaScript and cookies have to be enabled

Answer : C

What are the possible configurable options when configuring destination address in proxy services? (Choose all that apply)
(a) All
(b) Any
(c) Explicit
(d) Transparent

  • A. a, c & d only
  • B. a, b & c only
  • C. b, c &d only
  • D. All of the above

Answer : A

What kind of object should be selected from button New in the New Action dialogue in the
VPM that returns a coaching or splash page?

  • A. Return Exception
  • B. Return Redirect
  • C. Notify User
  • D. Acceptable Usage Policy

Answer : C

To implement ProxySG as a default gateway, which of the following options has to be enabled?

  • A. Early intercept
  • B. Reflect Client IP
  • C. IP Forwarding
  • D. Detect Protocol

Answer : C


Which HTTP error code corresponds to the ProxySG default exception identifier authentication_failed?

  • A. 403
  • B. 404
  • C. 503
  • D. 401

Answer : D


All of the following are software based Blue Coat solutions:
Blue Coat Reporter, Blue Coat WebFilter, Blue Coat K9, ProxyClient

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : A

The default policy for ProxySG is DENY. Network administrator creates a VPM policy allowing access to some Web host only for certain users (see picture).
When installing this policy, ProxySG issues a warning that this rule will be ignored. What change can be applied in order to fix this?

  • A. Add another rule to the Web Access layer creating an exception for users NOT allowed to access the host.
  • B. Add another Web Access layer and set its default action to Allow.
  • C. Add Web Authentication layer with a rule having Force Authenticate action.
  • D. Add Web content layer with a rule preventing serving content from ProxySG cache to unauthorized users.

Answer : C

Coaching or splash pages have to be configured through CPL rather than VPM.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer : B

Management Console of ProxySG (SGOS v. 5.4- or earlier) is based on the following client-side technology:

  • A. FIPS mode improves browser support
  • B. Java servlet application
  • C. JVM applet embedded in the Web page
  • D. Adobe Flex
  • E. AJAX and JavaScript

Answer : C

The SSL certificate returned by the Management Console upon HTTPS access____.

  • A. is birth certificate, which depends on the device serial number only; it can be cached for the whole lifetime of the ProxySG
  • B. is generated anew automatically every time ProxySG performs initial setup
  • C. has to be generated explicitly from the CLI

Answer : B

Can server initiate an HTTP transaction?

  • A. It cannot
  • B. It can for e.g. Web-based instant messaging, AJAX and similar server-push applications
  • C. It can only for some HTTP request methods

Answer : B

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Total 242 questions