Android Application Development v7.0 (AND-401)

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Total 129 questions

Which of the following is not true about using a WebView in your application?

  • A. You can retrieve WebSettings with getSettings(), then enable/disable JavaScript.
  • B. You need to add permission “android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE”.
  • C. You use loadURL to load a webpage.
  • D. You use loadData to load HTML.

Answer : B

Which of following is incorrect about the Toast class?

  • A. You cannot set a custom layout for a Toast.
  • B. You cannot set a custom layout for a Toast There is no need to close or hide a Toast, since it closes automatically.
  • C. There is no need to close or hide a Toast, since it closes automatically.
  • D. A Toast is displayed for only one of the following periods: Toast.LENGHT_SHORT or Toast.LENGTH_LONG.

Answer : B

What is the name of the class used by Intent to store additional information?

  • A. Extra
  • B. Parcelable
  • C. Bundle
  • D. DataStore

Answer : C

Which Which of the following does NOT correctly describe interface android.widget.Adapter?

  • A. It is an object that acts as a bridge between a View and underlying data for that view.
  • B. It provides access to the data items.
  • C. It provides access to deprecated ListView methods.
  • D. It is responsible for making a View for each item in the data set.

Answer : C

What are the main two types of thread in Android?

  • A. Main thread and worker threads.
  • B. Main thread and UI thread.
  • C. Activities and services.
  • D. Main thread and background process.

Answer : A

When publishing an update to your application to the market, the following must be taken into consideration:

  • A. The package name must be the same, but the .apk may be signed with a different private key.
  • B. The package name does not have to be the same and the .apk can be signed with a different private key.
  • C. The package name must be the same and the .apk must be signed with the same private key.
  • D. The package name does not have to be the same, but the .apk must be signed with the same private key.

Answer : C

The DalvikVM core libraries are a subset of which of the following?

  • A. Java ME
  • B. Java SE
  • C. Java EE
  • D. JAX-WS

Answer : B

Method onDraw() of class android.view.View has the following signature:

  • A. public void onDraw(Color)
  • B. public void onDraw(Canvas)
  • C. public boolean onDraw(Canvas)
  • D. public Canvas onDraw()

Answer : B

Which of these is not defined as a process state?

  • A. Non-visible
  • B. A Visible
  • C. Foreground
  • D. Background

Answer : A

Which of the following is NOT true about SQLiteOperHelper class? (Choose two)

  • A. It has two abstract methods: onCreate() and onUpgrade().
  • B. It is used to perform database querying.
  • C. It manages database creation and updates.
  • D. It manages database versions using ContentProvider.

Answer : A,C

Which of the following information is not included in the Manifest file?

  • A. The activities contained in the application.
  • B. The permissions required by the application.
  • C. The application’s minimum SDK version required.
  • D. The handset model compatible with your application.

Answer : D

When creating a file using android.content.Context.openFileOutput("test.txt", 0), where is the file created?

  • A. /data/app/<package name>/files
  • B. /data/data/<package name>/files
  • C. /system/app/<package name>/files
  • D. Application /system/data/<package name>/files

Answer : B

Which of the following you cannot achieve by creating your own View sub-classes?

  • A. Create a completely new customized View type.
  • B. Combine a group of View components into a new single component.
  • C. Specify when to destroy an activity and all its views.
  • D. Override the way that an existing component is displayed on the screen.

Answer : C

What does the following code achieve?
Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); startActivityForResult(intent);

  • A. Starts a browser activity
  • B. Starts a sub-activity
  • C. Starts an activity service
  • D. Sends results to another activity

Answer : B

Which of the following is correct about file access in the Android system?

  • A. Generally, files are handled as dedicated resources per each application.
  • B. Files created by an application can be directly accessed by any application.
  • C. The content of file created by application cannot be accessed by any other application.
  • D. You can only access a file from within an Activity.

Answer : A

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