Clinical Trials Programming Using SAS 9 v6.0 (A00-280)

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Total 99 questions

The following SAS program is submitted:
%let Av=age;
%macro LABD(Av=weight);
%let Av=gend; %mend;
%put Av is &Av;
What will be written to the SAS log?

  • A. Av is weight
  • B. Av is gend
  • C. Av is height
  • D. Av is age

Answer : D

Which statement assigns the current date to the character variable CURRDT?

  • A. currdt="&sysdate.";
  • B. currdt="%sysdate.";
  • C. currdt="sysdate.";
  • D. currdt="#sysdate.";

Answer : A

This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
You want to present a column header that contains breaks within the header as indicated below.
In the space below, enter the option that completes the program (Case is ignored. Do not add leading or trailing spaces to your answer).

Answer : SPLIT='*';,SPLIT="*";,SPLIT='*',SPLIT="*",SPLIT='*';,SPLIT="*";,SPLIT='*',SPLIT="*",SPLI T='*';,SPLIT="*";,SPLIT='*',SPLIT="*",SPLIT='*';,SPLIT="*";,SPLIT='*',SPLIT="*"

A report that you are working on will require the following header lines:

Which code adds the second line of the header "Adverse Events"?

  • A. header2 'Adverse Events';
  • B. header2 = 'Adverse Events';
  • C. title2 = 'Adverse Events';
  • D. title2 'Adverse Events';

Answer : D

This question will ask you to provide lines of missing code.
Which ODS statements, inserted respectively in the two locations indicated above, create a report stored in a PDF file?

  • A. ods pdf open='AE.pdf'; ods pdf close;
  • B. ods file open='AE.pdf' type=pdf; ods file close;
  • C. ods pdf file='AE.pdf'; ods pdf close;
  • D. ods file pdf='AE.pdf'; ods file close;

Answer : C

Given the following demographic dataset:
Which program will generate a report where observations will appear in order by SITE
SUBJECT and display column headers for each variable defined in the column statement?

  • A. Proc Report ; column site subject trt age gender race ; define site/'Site', subject/'Subject', trt/'Treatment', age/'Age', gender/'Gender', race/'Race' ; run;
  • B. Proc Report ; column site subject trt age gender race ; define site, subject, trt, age, gender, race ; by site subject ; title 'Site Subject Treatment Age Gender Race' ; run;
  • C. Proc Report ; column site subject trt age gender race ; define site/order 'Site' ; define subject/order 'Subject' ; define trt/'Treatment' ; define age/'Age' ; define gender/'Gender' ; define race/'Race' ; run;
  • D. Proc Report ; column site subject trt age gender race ; define site/order style(header)={'Site'} ; define subject/order style(header)={'Subject'} ; define trt/style(header)={'Treatment'} ; define age/style(header)={'Age'} ; define gender/style(header)={'Gender'} ; define race/style(header)={'Race'} ; run;

Answer : C

Which statement will produce report output that can be opened in Microsoft Word?

  • A. ods rtf file='report.rtf';
  • B. ods doc file='report.doc';
  • C. ods type='word' file='report.doc';
  • D. ods rtf='report.rtf';

Answer : A

Which statement will create a report footnote that identifies the date and time that the SAS program was executed?

  • A. footnote1 "Created on &sysdate9 &systime";
  • B. footnote1 = "Created on &sysdate9 &systime";
  • C. footnote1 'Created on &sysdate9 &systime';
  • D. footnote1 = 'Created on &sysdate9 &systime';

Answer : A

This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
The following SAS program is submitted:
In the space below, enter the statement that completes the program correctly (Case is ignored. Do not add leading or trailing spaces to your answer.).


This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.

Which statement must be added to the following program to create a page break in the report after each RACE grouping?

  • A. break page / race;
  • B. break race / page;
  • C. break after race / page;
  • D. break after race;

Answer : C

The VISIT data set is multiple records per subject, sorted by usubjid vistdtc vistm and contains the following variables:

The DEATH data set is one record per subject, sorted by usubjid vistdtc vistm and contains the following variables:

Which program will combine the DEATH and VISIT data sets by matching records?

  • A. data data_1; merge death visit; by usubjid vistdtc vistm; run;
  • B. data data_1; merge death visit; run;
  • C. data data_1; set death visit; by usubjid vistdtc vistm; run;
  • D. data data_1; merge death visit; by usubjid vistm vistdtc; run;

Answer : A

Which LIBNAME statement is valid?

  • A. libname "c:\sas\labdata\";
  • B. libname mysasdata "c:\sas\labdata\";
  • C. libname work "c:\sas\labdata\";
  • D. libname sasdata "c:\sas\labdata\";

Answer : D

Which name is a valid SAS V5 variable name?


Answer : A

You have been asked to import an Excel spreadsheet. What will lead to substantial differences between the original Excel spreadsheet and the resulting SAS data set?

  • A. the number of rows to be read from the Excel file
  • B. the number of columns to be read from the Excel file
  • C. multiple value types within a single column
  • D. multiple value types within a single row

Answer : C

The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.ALL;
How will the data sets ONE and TWO be combined?

  • A. updated
  • B. one-one merged
  • C. match merged
  • D. concatenated

Answer : D

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