SAS Statistical Business Analysis Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling v1.0 (A00-240)

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Total 99 questions

Which statistic, calculated from a validation sample, can help decide which model to use for prediction of a binary target variable?

  • A. Adjusted R Square
  • B. Mallow's Cp
  • C. Chi Square
  • D. Average Squared Error

Answer : D

The question will ask you to provide a missing statement. Given the following SAS program:

Which SAS statement will complete the program to correctly score the data set NEW_DATA?

  • A. Score data data=MYDIR.NEW_DATA out=scores;
  • B. Score data data=MYDIR.NEW_DATA output=scores;
  • C. Score data=HYDIR.NEU_DATA output=scores;
  • D. Score data=MYDIR, NEW DATA out=scores;

Answer : D

A marketing manager attempts to determine those customers most likely to purchase additional products as the result of a nation-wide marketing campaign.
The manager possesses a historical dataset (CAMPAIGN) of a similar campaign from last year.
It has the following characteristics:
-> Target variable Respond (0, 1)
-> Continuous predictor Income
-> Categorical predictor Homeowner(Y, N)
Which SAS program performs this analysis?

  • A. Option A
  • B. Option B
  • C. Option C
  • D. Option D

Answer : A

Given the following output from the LOGISTIC procedure:

Which variables, among those that are statistically significant at an alpha of 0.05, have the greatest and least relative importance on the fitted model?

  • A. Greatest: MBA Least: DOWN_AMT
  • B. Greatest: MBA Least: CASH
  • C. Greatest: DOWN_AMT Least: CASH
  • D. Greatest: DOWN_AMT Least: HOME

Answer : C

What is the default method in the LOGISTIC procedure to handle observations with missing data?

  • A. Missing values are imputed.
  • B. Parameters are estimated accounting for the missing values.
  • C. Parameter estimates are made on all available data.
  • D. Only cases with variables that are fully populated are used.

Answer : D

A marketing analyst assessed the effect of web page design (A, B, or C) on customers' intent to purchase an expensive product. The focus group was divided randomly into three sub-groups, each of which was asked to view one of the web pages and then give their intent to purchase on a scale from 0 to 100. The analyst also asked the customers to give their income, which was coded as: I (lowest), II (medium), or III (highest). After analyzing the data, the analyst claimed that there was significant interaction and the webpage design mainly influenced high income people.
Which graph supports the analyst's conclusion?




Answer : A

Within PROC GLM, the interaction between the two categorical predictors, Income and Gender, was shown to be significant. An item store was saved from the
GLM analysis.
Which statement from PROC PLM would test the significance of Gender within each level of Income and adjust for multiple tests?

  • A. sliceby Gender / adjust=tukey;
  • B. slice Income*Gender / sliceby=Gender adjust=tukey;
  • C. slice Income*Gender / sliceby=Income adjust=tukey;
  • D. sliceby Income / adjust=tukey;

Answer : D

Refer to the exhibit.

Which conclusion is justified concerning Sales, comparing stores A, B, and C?

  • A. Store B is significantly different from store A.
  • B. Store C is significantly different from Store A.
  • C. Store B is significantly different from store C.
  • D. There is no significant difference between stores.

Answer : A

The SAS data set RESULT contains the following variables:
-> Region (GrpA or GrpB)
-> Sales (dollars per year)
Which SAS programs can be used to find the p-value for comparing GrpA sales with GrpB sales? (Choose two.)




Answer : AB

Refer to the exhibit.

These graphs were created using the GLM procedure with the plots(only)=diagnostics option.
Which plot do you use to identify influential observations?

  • A. Cook's D by Observation
  • B. Residual by Quantile
  • C. Residual by Predicted
  • D. Fit - Mean and Residual Plot

Answer : A


PROC GLMSELECT was used for building a model predicting the natural log of a baseball player's salary from certain performance and longevity statistics. The model used backward elimination using SBC as its selection criterion. The sequence of steps is summarized in the graphic shown below:

At Step 9 number of at bats (nAtBat) was removed from the model.
Why was it removed?

  • A. Removing nAtBat had the largest effect on the parameter estimate of nHits.
  • B. The p-Value for nAtBat was largest.
  • C. Removing nAtBat yielded the largest improvement to SBC.
  • D. The p-Value for nAtBat was smallest.

Answer : B

Refer to the exhibit:

SAS output from the RSQUARE selection method, within the REG procedure, is shown. The top two models in each subset are given.
Based on the exhibit, which statement is true?

  • A. The AIC champion model is more parsimonious than the SBC champion.
  • B. The SBC champion model is more parsimonious than the AIC champion.
  • C. The R-Square champion model is the most parsimonious.
  • D. Adjusted R-Square and R-Square agree on the champion model.

Answer : B

The Model SS in a multiple linear regression model is equal to:

  • A. the total SS- MSE
  • B. the sum of Type I SS of all model terms
  • C. the sum of Type II SS of all model terms
  • D. the sum of SSE and MSE

Answer : B


Refer to the REG procedure output:

How many observations are used in the analysis? Enter your numeric answer in the space below.

Answer : 100

Which characteristic of Studentized residuals indicate potential outliers?

  • A. Only studentized residuals greater than negative two
  • B. Only studentized residuals less than negative two and greater than two
  • C. Only studentized residuals greater than two
  • D. Only studentized residuals less than two and greater than negative two

Answer : C

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