Linux Security v5.0 (212-77)

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Total 51 questions

Which file contains the name servers to be used by the local machine for hostname resolution?

  • A. /etc/services/
  • B. /etc/hosts
  • C. /etc/resolv.conf
  • D. /etc/network/interfaces

Answer : B

Which of the following practices is the most useful physical security requirement for a Linux server?

  • A. Keep the Linux server in a locked room.
  • B. Never leave the Linux computer unattended while it is running.
  • C. Maintain a password-protected screensaver on the Linux server.
  • D. Keep passwords stored in a locked file cabinet.

Answer : D

Which of the following is a correct entry in the /etc/hosts file?

  • A. search
  • B.
  • C. deedee
  • D. nameserver

Answer : B

You're planning the setup of a Linux computer as a server on your organization's network.
Which of the following is consistent with best practices for documentation?

  • A. Keep a copy of each user's password in a locked filing cabinet in the same room as the Linux server.
  • B. Record the inode number of every file in a binder in the same room as the Linux server.
  • C. Record the hardware configuration details in a binder in the same room as the Linux server.
  • D. Keep a copy of key configuration files on a different partition on the same computer.

Answer : A

What is the name of the file that contains encrypted hashes of passwords on a Linux system?

  • A. /etc/shadow
  • B. /etc/.passwd
  • C. /etc/passwd
  • D. /.secure/.htaccess

Answer : C

As the developers in your company work on the newest security software, Antiterror, different versions of the beta are being released weekly. The current version, antiterror-7, is located in the /opt/bin/antiterror-7 directory. Later versions will be released in parallel directories; for example, the next version will be located in the /opt/bin/antiterror-8 directory.
Everyone who is testing this software is running the /opt/test/antiterror command. Which of the following actions would ensure that the testers get the latest version of the software next week?

  • A. ln /opt/test/antiterror /opt/bin/antiterror-7/antiterror-7
  • B. ln antiterror /opt/bin/antiterror-8/antiterror-8
  • C. ln /opt/test/antiterror.lnk /opt/bin/antiterror-8/antiterror-8
  • D. ln /opt/test/antiterror /opt/bin/antiterror-8/antiterror-8

Answer : C

On Linux systems, how can root logins be restricted?

  • A. With the /etc/default/login file
  • B. With the /etc/default/useradd file
  • C. With the .profile file
  • D. With the /etc/securetty file

Answer : D

How can you best see how much free space you have in your current directory?

  • A. Use du .
  • B. Use df .
  • C. Use du /
  • D. Use df
  • E. Use df /

Answer : B

Which of the following steps would not substantially improve security over the typical Linux installation to a computer with typical hardware and settings?

  • A. Set a BIOS password.
  • B. Remove servers that were installed by default but that are not being used.
  • C. Set the computer to boot from a CD-ROM before a floppy.
  • D. Lock the computer case shut.

Answer : C

One of your users says that she changed her umask to 664, but now her new files all have a permission block of ---x--x-w-. If she wanted her new files to have a permission block of - rw-rw-r--, what should she have used as a umask?

  • A. 002
  • B. 220
  • C. 222
  • D. 022

Answer : B

Why is a log file analysis tool like Logcheck useful?

  • A. Logcheck compares patterns of activity across several days or weeks and spots anomalies.
  • B. Logcheck uses information in log files to help identify a cracker.
  • C. Logcheck translates log file entries from cryptic comments into plain English.
  • D. Logcheck sifts through large log files and alerts you to the most suspicious entries.

Answer : D

You've installed a new application on a test computer. During testing, you've run into a number of problems that you are unable to troubleshoot. Where should you look first for help?

  • A. Before doing anything else, install the application on a production computer and see if you still have the same problems.
  • B. The log files associated with the application.
  • C. The Web site home page for the application.
  • D. Newsgroups where other users discuss the application.

Answer : B

Upon boot, the kernel starts init. What does init start next?

  • A. /etc/rc.d/init.d
  • B. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
  • C. /etc/rc.d/initdefault
  • D. /etc/inittab

Answer : B

You are working in Linux when a program hits a flaw and stops running. Which command can be used to end the process?

  • A. end
  • C. stop
  • D. wait
  • E. kill

Answer : E

Assume you have forgotten the current superuser password for your Linux computer. On several Linux distributions, which of the following commands allows you to reset the root user password?

  • A. Run the shutdown -r now command, wait until your computer reboots, then at the LILO Boot prompt enter the linux single command. When you see the prompt, run the passwd command.
  • B. Restart your computer. When your computer reboots, wait until you see the LILO Boot prompt. At that prompt, enter the init 1 command. When you see the command-line interface prompt, run the passwd command.
  • C. Restart your computer. When Linux reboots, log in again, then enter the init 1 command. When you see the command-line interface prompt, run the passwd command.
  • D. Restart your computer. When your computer reboots, wait until you see the LILO Boot prompt. At that prompt, enter the linux single command. When you see the command- line interface prompt, run the passwd command.

Answer : B

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