You'd like to use the class MyDBConnection that's defined in the
MyGreatFrarnework\GreafDatabaseAbstractionLayer namespace, but you want to minimize *as much as possible* the length of the class name you have to type. What would you do?
Answer : B
Explanation: This removes the need to prefix the class with the namespace name. You can refer to the class simply as MyDBConnection.
Which PHP function sets a cookie whose value does not get URL encoded when sending it to the browser?
Answer : setrawcookie()
What will be the result of the following operation?
array_combine(array("A","B","C"), array(1,2,3));
Answer : C
You want to extract the pieces of a date string, which looks like this: "2005-11-02". Which of the following pieces of code will property assign $year, $month and $day with their respective values?
Answer : A