Zend PHP 5.3 Certification v6.1 (200-530)

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Total 254 questions

Given a JSON-encoded string, which code sample correctly indicates how to decode the string to native PHP values?

  • A. Option A
  • B. Option B
  • C. Option C
  • D. Option D

Answer : C

PHP’s array functions such as array_values() can be used on an object is the oject….

  • A. implement Traversable
  • B. is an instance of ArrayObject
  • C. implements ArrayAccess
  • D. None of the above

Answer : C

What is the result of the following code?

  • A. 42
  • B. 43
  • C. Parse error

Answer : C

Which SPL class implements fixed-size storage?

Answer : SplFixedArray

What is the name of the PHP function used to automatically load non-yet defined classes?

  • A. Autoload()
  • B. __autoload()
  • C. __catch()
  • D. Load()
  • E. loadClass()

Answer : B

Given a php.ini setting of:
default_charset = utf-8
What will the following code print in the browser?

  • A. Garbled data
  • B. & # 9986 ; & # 10004 ; & # 10013 ;
  • C. A blank line due to charset mismatch

Answer : C

How many elements does the $matches array contain after the following function call is performed? preg_match('/^(\d{1,2}([a-z]+))(?:\s*)\S+ (?=200[0-9])/', '21st March
2006', $matches);

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 4

Answer : C

Which is the most efficient way to determine if a key is present in an array, assuming the array has no NULL values?

  • A. in_array('key', array_keys($a))
  • B. isset($a['key'])
  • C. array_key_exists('key', $a)
  • D. None of the above

Answer : C

Some databases support the LIMIT clause. ft is a method to ensure that

  • A. only certain rows are deleted in DELETE queries.
  • B. only a defined subset of rows are read in SELECT queries.
  • C. only certain users can access the database.

Answer : B

Which constant must be passed as the second argument to htmlentities () to convert single quotes (') to HTML entity?

  • A. TRUE
  • B. FALSE

Answer : C

What PHP function can be used to remove a local file?

  • A. A) rmdir()
  • B. B) unlink()
  • C. C) rm()
  • D. D) delete()
  • E. E) delete_file()

Answer : B

What DOM method is used to load HTML files?

  • A. load()
  • B. loadXML()
  • C. loadHTML()
  • D. loadHTMLFile()

Answer : D

Which of the following functions can help prevent session fixation vulnerabilities?

  • A. magic_quotes_gpc()
  • B. strip_tags()
  • C. addslashes()
  • D. session_regenerate_id()

Answer : D

How can you determine if magic_quotes_gpc is enabled? (Choose 2)

  • A. Use the get_magic_quotes() function.
  • B. Using the get_magic_quotes_runtime() function.
  • C. Use the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function.
  • D. Using ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc').
  • E. Using ini_get('magic_quotes').

Answer : A,D

You want to present the following formatted number: "999.000.000,00". Which function call is correct?

  • A. print format_number(999000000);
  • B. print number_format(999000000);
  • C. print number_format(999000000, 2, ',', '.');
  • D. print number_format(999000000, 2);
  • E. print_number(999000000, 2, ',', '.')

Answer : C

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Total 254 questions