CIW JavaScript Fundamentals exam v6.1 (1D0-435)

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Total 244 questions

The __________ is the building block of all custom objects.

  • A. statement
  • B. function
  • C. variable
  • D. constructor

Answer : D

_________ is used to associate an object's name with the object's properties or methods.

  • A. A property
  • B. A function
  • C. A statement
  • D. Dot notation

Answer : D

Which form element would you use to create a scriptable button other than a reset or submit button?

  • A. reset
  • B. frm.Button
  • C. button
  • D. form.button

Answer : C

The __________ method tests for the presence and position of a certain character.

  • A. lastIndexOf()
  • B. indexOf()
  • C. presenceOf()
  • D. length()

Answer : B

The variable name "firstname" is the same as variable name "FirstName".

  • A. TRUE
  • B. FALSE

Answer : B

ServerSide JavaScript will not function if LiveWire is not installed.

  • A. TRUE
  • B. FALSE

Answer : A

Once the constructor is defined, you need to create new instances of the object. This process is called instantiation.

  • A. FALSE
  • B. TRUE

Answer : B

A __________ is an organized block of code that handles actions generated by user events.

  • A. function
  • B. method
  • C. statement
  • D. object

Answer : A,C

Assuming Z= 3 and y= 2, what would be the result of : Z+=Y

  • A. The value of Y is now 5
  • B. The value of Y is now 3
  • C. The value of Z is now 5
  • D. The value of Z is now 2
  • E. 5

Answer : C

The name=value pair is the only information required to generate a cookie. All other parameters are optional.

  • A. FALSE
  • B. TRUE

Answer : B

Which of the following is the JavaScript string object special character to insert a new line?

  • A. /n
  • B. \n
  • C. \b
  • D. /b

Answer : B

The select object has three event handlers: __________, __________ and __________.

  • A. onClick, onSelect, onChange
  • B. click, select, change
  • C. blur, forus, change
  • D. onBlur, onFocus, onChange

Answer : D

__________ are used in expressions to store or return a value.

  • A. variables
  • B. assignments
  • C. operators
  • D. methods

Answer : C

Placing / in front of a line of text, within the Script tags will result in ______________

  • A. everything to the end of the line being ignored.
  • B. The command that follows being carried out
  • C. Everything that follows being ignored
  • D. Nothing, as this is not valid

Answer : D

All browsers store cookies exactly the same way, in the same directory.

  • A. TRUE
  • B. FALSE

Answer : B

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Total 244 questions